The StoryGraph
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Up Next and Suggestions
August 17, 2021

We're excited to let you know about two new StoryGraph features that will mean you'll never struggle to know what to read next! 🙌

With Up Next, you can add up to five books that you'd like to read soon to a queue. You can drag and drop the books into your desired reading order and, for easy access, the queue is displayed in its very own section at the top of your To-Read page.

A screenshot of the screenshots/preview section of The StoryGraph's App Store listing. There are 4 different panels, each featuring an iPhone casing. The first shows a segment of the Browse Books page, the second the top of the stats page, with the mood pie chart, the third shows the books and pages line chart, and the fourth shows the homepage, with the Recommendations and To-Read Pile sections visible.

Not sure what to read next? We've got our Plus subscribers covered with Up Next Suggestions!

We give you personalised recommendations for what to choose from your to-read list based on a range of factors.

Perhaps you've had a book gathering dust on your shelf for ages, or maybe you're behind on your pages goal and need something fun and fast-paced to catch up!

A screenshot of the screenshots/preview section of The StoryGraph's App Store listing. There are 4 different panels, each featuring an iPhone casing. The first shows a segment of the Browse Books page, the second the top of the stats page, with the mood pie chart, the third shows the books and pages line chart, and the fourth shows the homepage, with the Recommendations and To-Read Pile sections visible.

The best thing about this feature is that it adapts with you as your reading, to-read list, and StoryGraph activity changes.

We hope that we help you pick up your next favorite book! 😊

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An "Up Next" section for the To-Read Pile
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