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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
In-app book ticket status section

In addition to in-app notifications for close book tickets, can you add a section where users can keep track of their open book tickets?

Have a way to combine Roman numeral In standard page numbers in page account

Have a way to count Roman numerals in a book that has them along with the regular page numbers. Some books mark a prologue with Roman numerals, and then the rest of the book with regular numbers. I Attached the screenshot of a table of contents that has both Roman numerals and standard numbers for page numbers.

Multi-book reading challenge prompts

I don't know if this has been added before but I couldn't find it if it has.

I would love an option to set the number of books that needs to be read for a certain prompt before it is marked as "complete".

At the moment you can add multiple books but you only have to read 1 for it to be marked complete. I would love to be able to set up challenges that have prompts like "read 5 classics" or "read 2 fantasy books" but the only way to do this at the moment would be (as far as I'm aware) set up a different reading challenge for each prompt or insert multiple of the same prompt into the reading challenge.

I envision this as an extra button that says "How many books to be complete?" maybe when setting up the prompt (near where the current "bonus book" option is perhaps).

More Customization on Custom Charts (Star Rating & Time Segments)

Hi! I LOVE Storygraph and I love the new(ish) custom charts feature. That said, I really wish we could make additional customization of the graphs, as most of the graphs I want to make currently are impossible. My "wish list" is below along with my own personal use case examples! I know it's a big list so this is roughly in the order of impact to my use of Custom Charts.

I would like to see star rating as additional option for an axis when making tag-based graphs. Specifically, I would like to be able to compare my average star rating across different tags I use. For example, I'd like to see my average star rating across each of my book subscriptions, which I am currently using tags to track. It would be AMAZING if I could automatically compare the average star rating for books tagged "Illumicrate" v. "FairyLoot YA" v. "FairyLoot Adult." It would be so helpful when deciding what subs to keep to easily be able to see, for example, if my average rating for Fairyloot Adult is <3.0 stars and to compare to my other subs.

I also think star ratings would be helpful folks that track tropes and other writing elements like POV to easily be able to identify if they tend to rate "Fated Mates" really poorly but tend to rate "Enemies to Lovers" really highly, for example, when deciding what books to add to their TBR and Storygraph preferences!

Also, I wish we could have time segments as an option on the X axis. For example, I have a tag for books on my priority TBR, and I'd love to track how many books I read off that list per month. So, ideally, I could select the time period as a full year, and then choose "months" for the X axis and see how many "Priority TBR" books I read per month (similar to the books/pages graph in the standard stats but only for books meeting the tag requirement).

Lastly, I would love to be able to have an "exclude" feature for tag segments. Again, using my priority TBR tag as an example, I'd love to use a pie chart to track the percent of books that I read off of my Priority TBR v. other sources. I think this could be accomplished with "exclude" functionality on the tags. So one segment would include "Priority TBR" and the other would exclude "Priority TBR."

As you can tell, I am a big data need (which is why I love Storygraph so much!!) so I totally understand that these requests might not have general appeal as it would probably take some tech-savviness to configure charts with this many options. But for my own use, these features would be absolute game changers in getting me to use the custom charts practically vs. just admiring the data. 😃

Filter Stats by Type

I read a lot of short stories, and some graphic novels and comics. I'd love to apply a filter to all stats (like a drop down below the dates) to, say, show books only, or short stories or nonfiction or poetry only--probably would be good to also be able to filter by eBook, print, or audio.

Show your most recent edition in Personalized Similar Books

Hello! I've been loving the Personalized Similar Books feature and I noticed something that has gotten me a bit frustrated but I'm not sure how much of an easy fix this is. I would absolutely love it if in the recommendations it showed books I've already read, owned or TBR'd as the editions I've marked. Currently, I see books I've read in the recommendations with the label "You've read another edition".
Secondly, if there was an option to exclude previously read books from the recommendations list, as a toggle button or something, that would be amazing!

Filter similar book suggestions


An idea I had would be to allow for a filter when looking up similar books to something your reading. For example, filtering by page number, highest to lowest, that kind of thing.

Progress Tracking by Chapter instead of/in addition to % or pg #

It would be nice to be able to track my progress with Chapter numbers instead of/in addition to tracking my progress with percentages or page numbers. I typically read books multiple ways (e-book/audio or audio/physical) and so knowing what chapter I am on is important.

Currently, I use the Journal entry portion to keep track and that works well. It just would be nice to see that at a glance instead of having to open up the journal entries.

I'm not sure if this would be helpful to anyone other than me, but I figured there is no harm in asking (◕‿◕)

Accessible Tags

I would love to be able to have more options for accessible tags. Right Now only kebab-case are available but because underscores and capitalization autoconverts to lowercase/one word tags and I find them very hard to read. This could also help with future improvements like parent/child tags, and other expansions.

Thank you!

Allow book number over 2000 in book-type reading challenge

Such that we can use the year of a prize as the sort order, without hiding it behind the click for information. e.g.

Could we prioritise are reading preferences?

I would love it if we could rank our reading preferences by what matters to us most.
At the moment I feel like my recommendations overly value genre and it would be great if I could state that mood and pace are more important to me.

Additionally series functionality

Currently we can filter out books in series when looking at our TBR. I think some useful related series functions would include:

  • Filtering only books in series
  • Filtering “up next” books in series in our TBR, potentially with a breakdown of if they are new series (book one counting as the next book) or series in progress
  • Maybe adding series to the stats page, both in terms of in series vs standalone as a stat, as well as maybe allowing users to see stats for a series, similar to how we can for our tags.
Be able to default "Only show reviews with written explanations" to On

At the moment I do that extra click to "only see written reviews" every time I browse reviews. It would be great if I could have it ticked On by default -- as then I'd only need to toggle it off if there weren't any written reviews (so I could at least see ratings instead.)

Maybe a new profile setting?

Compare Stats - Pages/books read Line Graphs

Hi - love all the stats features. In particular I track my pages daily for fun and look at pages read line graphs over time quite often. However I don't see the ability to see similar views in the compare feature. Is this something that could be considered in the future? Thanks!

Embeddable reading challenge

Related to the embeddable currently reading request I've seen, I'd love to have an embeddable reading challenge widget.

I use Notion to track my reading, and being able to embed Storygraph elements into that would be an absolute gamechanger.

Add Explore Button to Menu Bar/Hammbuger Menu

Maybe this is just a me thing, but whenever I'm trying to get to the recommendation search, I always default to looking for it everywhere else besides right next to the recommendation pile. It's usually worse in the app.

Adding a shortcut to the menus could also be nice if you're on a book page so you don't have to jump back to the main page.

Best Book of the Year (Personal Bracket)

I think it would be fun to have a built in feature where you can select the best book you read for each month of the year, and they would bracket down to the best of the year by the end. You could put notes about why it was the best read that month, or what made it stand out. It would be fun to see the progression throughout the year as well. This is something I do on paper, but I would really like a digital option in the app

Editions search

I recently bought some classics, and wanted to log them as owned, but classics have 1000+ editions, and even searching by isbn and filtering to paperback and language, i still scrolled through 100s before giving up. I wish I could search by publisher

Book Clubs V2

Let's hear it! :-D

Voice memo option for buddy reads

I love using voice memos when doing bubby reads and would love an option to add them with the percentage complete

Chart on number of reviews your books have

Similar to the number of pages graph in stats analysis, it would be cool to have a pie graph that shows the number of reviews for each book, binned into categories (1-999 reviews, 1k-5k, 5k-10k, etc.). It could be a quick way to see if you are reading rare or popular books!

Automatic time zone detection

I woke up this morning and was confused about why the app already said I had a streak when I went to bed before midnight, and then I realized that I'm in PT and my app is set to ET, so the logs I did at 10pm last night actually got logged as 1am. I'd love it if the app could use my system time so it updated automatically when I cross time zones!

Total Owned TBR Line Chart Over Time

I would love to see the progress of my Owned TBR over time (maybe split into months?). For example, if in April I read 8 books, and acquired 6 books, I would see that my total owned TBR number when down by 2 that month. I think this could help motivate me to read more of what I own, and think twice before buying a new book!

Additionally, it would be cool to be able to sort the graph by format, as I love to focus on my physical tbr more than ebooks/audiobooks

Q&A Feature

I would love to be able to ask specific questions about a given book. Sometimes googling and reading all the reviews just doesn't cut it!

I'd also be more than happy to answer questions as well--sometimes I'm quick with my reviews and it occurs to me later that someone might want to know more specifics about a particular content consideration. Maybe an opt-in setting to receive notifications when a new question is asked about books I own?

LOVE this app, by the way. Thanks for all your hard work!

Streak pause ability

I would love a feature to be able to pause my streak progress (similar to what Duolingo has) for when I am on vacation or other kinds of planned divergences from my usual reading routine.