Book marked as read showing up in To Be Read preview on homepage
kestrelladyNov 7, 2024
I noticed a book in my To Be Read preview on the homepage that I had already read. When I clicked it, the book page said read, and I double checked and I didn't have another edition marked tbr or anything.
Link to book: https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/f5f040f1-d670-4489-8640-877ca7297e84
I searched my TBR pile and found a record that says [DELETED] but when I click on the book title, it still takes me to the book marked read.
kestrellady Looks like a book family merge issue where your 'to-read' edition hasn't been properly merged into the the 'read' edition. If you email in to support@thestorygraph.com with just a link to this post, we can resolve it. Thank you!