Buddy read comment percentage out of sync with reading progress percentage
aztlanAug 1, 2022
When adding comments on our buddy read, both my friend and I encountered the same weirdness. When making the comment, it (correctly) autofilled in 144 pages (34%), but when the comment was saved it says it's hidden until 35%, or 147 pages. Because what we're reading is a progressive release of an existing book, there's no way for us to just 'read a little more' or anything, so we're both unable to see each others comments until more of the text is released!
As discussed just now in our Volunteer Librarian Discord, this is due to a recent change I made where I now round up on the buddy read percentages to further protect against spoilers (since a single percentage in a book often spans a range of pages). This has meant that the buddy read percentage calculation is out of sync with how we calculate the reader's percentage.
To resolve this, I reckon I'll go revert the update on how the buddy read percentage is calculated, but "round up" the pages that are displayed alongside it.
Nadia Thank you Nadia! Out of curiosity, should our locked comments automatically fix themselves, do you think, or will those comments stay locked at 35%? No issue either way, just curious :D
aztlan They won't as they've been saved in the database at 35%. If you like, you can email in to support and we'll automatically adjust the comments in question for you. :-D
Nadia Ah no worries, a new instalment came out so we'll be able to just read that and see the comment. Thank you for fixing it so quickly!