This post has been merged into Buddy read comment page numbers changing
Buddy read pages are always wrong
inaliterarymoodApr 2, 2023
When I add a new comment to my buddy read with the page number, it always shows up wrong in the actual comment. For example, I wanted to comment on something from page 61 of a book but it put page 63. This has been happening for awhile.
Merging into this post, which explains what is happening:
Nadia my friend and I are both reading the same edition of the book. We had this same issue when we read Bloodmarked back in November.
inaliterarymood Yes, the page numbers being out of sync will still happen because of this part of my response in the other thread:
"Despite all this, the pages shown are meant to be an approximate guideline for the comment. When you input a page number, we don't store the page because people read different editions/switch editions, etc., so we store the percentage only and translate it back into a page number. Depending on how big a book is, given you can't have fractional pages, a particular percent can represent a range of pages."
I'm not sure whether we want to start storing the actual page number input against a buddy read comment — that will come with its own complications, including if people make mistakes, switch editions mid buddy read, which people do regularly, etc. — but it's something we're considering.