The StoryGraph
The StoryGraph
Filtering books by "added to reading challenge" does not work properly
Jan 5, 2025

Some of the books I added to my reading challenges don't come up when I filter books by "only show me books added to my reading challenge" on the explore page, regardless of how I sort them, and the exact same books also don't show up in my to-read pile when I check the same filter even though they are in my TBR. I tried it multiple ways; I double-checked that the book page said "added to reading challenge" when I clicked on the three dots and that I wasn't using other filters in my search to make sure the books weren't being filtered out by anything else.

Jan 16, 2025

Hmmm...I need to double check as this feature has gone through some flux over the years but they may behave differently, i.e. the Explore page one shows any books within the Explore list that have been added by anyone to any of your challenges, and your TBR books may not feature in that list. But will have to check what's happening again.

Jan 5, 2025

I tried to look for a common factor between the missing books and my best guess is it has something to do with how the books are added to a reading challenge. For example, books I added directly from a book page may not be coming up in my filtered search while books I added using different methods (say, from the prompt page) are. I think I used three methods across two devices to add books to a reading challenge.

The common factor doesn't appear to be the devices or any specific reading challenge.

P.S.: All the love and thanks to Nadia and the team, we love you!! StoryGraph adds so much joy into my life, truly.