Keyboard for updating progress for audiobooks
staceyechinJan 19, 2025
I’m getting the number only keyboard when I try to update progress on audiobooks from the current reads page by clicking directly on the %age button . Because no colon is available, I then get an error when I try to input numbers only. I have to click on the title of the book instead and then update from there as the full keyboard is then available. (iOS app)
staceyechin Is that only with that book all of a sudden? What happens if you force quit and try again?
Also, I listened to that recently! What do you think?
Nadia I really liked it! So much to think about. Honestly I’m not sure when it started - I feel like it wasn’t just this book , but it might have been. It definitely happened a few different times that I tried to update my progress but I haven’t noticed it happening since I posted the original message.