Calendar monthly wrap-up view is accessible any day
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toopunkrockforshulSep 2, 2024
Not sure if this is fully a bug, but for August I am not able to generate a stats overview, because no book was marked as read. However I do have other stats for pages and minutes etc. that I would like to be able to post. Is there a way to work around this?
It's not a bug! It's more of an oversight for the calendar graphic only, which was delivered last. There are no plans of yet for the other graphics to be live without at least one book marked as read, but I do plan to give you access to the calendar graphic at any time. Does that fit your needs?
Nadia yes that's great! The calendar was the main on I was looking for. Thank you!
toopunkrockforshul Okay, I've edited your title and I'll do this soon!