Personalised Similar Books doesn’t seem personal
bookmarkhoarderApr 27, 2024
The personalised similar books feature is confusing me. I have over half my recommendations showing genres I have specified in my preferences that I do not want to read. Or, and sometimes additionally many books ‘I have read another edition’ of and as irritating as that is it even shows books I have read. That very edition. I’m puzzled as to how this is personalised?
Personalised Similar Books are different to other recommendations, because they are ultimately still going to be first and foremost similar to the book you're looking at and not prioritise all of your preferences. The main thing we focus on with the personalised aspect is what topics, themes, and tropes you're interested in to draw those sort of books to the top. Also right now, we don't filter out books you've read in that view. We're just showing you similar books with a unique twist related to you.
Nadia , thank you for the explanation! I will look at the recommendations with more interest now I understand how it works better.