Show last time entered for Audiobooks
Jan 2, 2025
When I track progress on a physical or ebook, the last page I logged is displayed (attached image of Celestial Monsters). However, when I go to track progress on an audiobook the box is blank (attached image of Bad Blood).
It would be helpful to see the last time entered as I find it easier to check if I added a journal log for that day this way instead of clicking over to the reading journal because if I know I want to update the time to 3 hours and then when clicked it already says 3 hours then I know the journal has my latest data already.
Noted. It's been requested a few times. The reason we don't do this automatically is because we don't store the progress in the DB as the HH:MM as you enter them, but as a total minutes number, but we can reverse engineer it.
Nadia That makes sense! Thanks for considering it!