Total star ratings chart not matching total read in the year
bibliomania_expressDec 31, 2024
I keep having a discrepancy between the total books I've read and the total books included in the star rating graph and I can't figure out what's causing it. I've checked star ratings>no rating which has only 2 DNFd books there, no actual read books missing ratings.
Do you have any rereads?
Nadia Yes, I have quite a lot of rereads - my yearly wrap up said 86. But I mark them with dates read and all books are appearing in the monthly star rating charts (number in chart matching number read in that month) just not in the total year stats
bibliomania_express Yes, but for all time, each review/rating will only be counted once, not for each read.
Nadia Ah, okay, that makes sense. I think there is about 3 books I read twice this year, which would account for the difference. Good to know! Thank you!