Yearly Reading Wrap-up Book Collage displaying funny
kestrelladyJan 3, 2023
This is pretty minor, but my book collage is displaying kind of funny, probably because I have too many books.
On browser (Firefox) it starts at 8 columns across, but the eighth column is half off the screen. I get a scroll bar that lets me scroll right to bring it fully on screen. As I scroll down, the columns stop populating until there are four columns with a column space between them at the bottom.
On mobile (android app), It does the same thing, but with the four right columns off screen.
Screenshots attached!
Just pushed a fix. Can you please try now and check that your collage displays correctly?
Nadia Yes! That seems to have fixed it.
kestrellady Fantastic!!
My collage looks irregular, too, because I have listened to many audiobooks, and the book covers aren't displayed in regular lines.
mikebond That's the collage effect that we introduced so that people with audiobooks don't have random whitespace between the books in their "...at a glance" section. It means that sometimes the ends are irregular like in your screenshot!
Nadia ok, good to know it was made on purpose.
i know this was done on purpose but it really bothers me. I would much rather have a little white space around my audiobooks so that the bottom row lines up.
staceyechin Thanks for the feedback! When we had it that way before, the collages just didn't look as good. We will have a cover view at some point though so maybe that'll be more closely aligned to what you're looking for.
Hello! It might be your Internet connection combined with the number of books as yours loads fine for me across different browsers but I suspect the Javascript that arranges the books into a collage is running before all of the images have loaded. Will push something later today which I reckon will fix what you're seeing!