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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
Genre: Children's Picture Books

There is middle grade, childrens, ya, and adult. However, picture books are a very specific type of children's book. Someone looking for a picture book will NOT want anything else. It would be really useful to me to have this filter as a librarian and school teacher. I currently have almost 400 saved in a tag as jpic (Juvinile Picture Books). I know there should be more but I haven't gone though all my "childrens" books yet (a little over 300) to see which of those I should also tag as picture books.

Follow Interaction Design best practices for bottom tab bar navigation

Currently, when you navigate between the 4 bottom tabs, the app uses a sliding navigation where the next tab slides in from the right.

Animations serve as visual cues for the user's mental model of the app structure. A sliding animation implies that each tab is a child or a deeper section of the previous one.

This animation works well for drill-down navigation, where we are moving deeper into a nested structure (ex. tapping a book to go to a book detail view).

However, the bottom tab bar represents the distinct, high-level sections of the app that are not hierarchically related. When you use a sliding animation, you are implying a structure that does not exist.

I suggest using an instant switch animation on the bottom navigation bar. You can check many other apps to see that this is standard interaction design pattern.

Love the app! Thanks!

View feature requests/ideas you've submitted

This is possibly a little too meta, but I'd really like to be able to see feature requests/ideas I've submitted so that if I notice something, I can see whether or not I have already submitted it in the past. Sometimes I notice a feature that could be added or improved and have the thought to report it multiple times but can't remember if I've done it before (and don't want to double-report). Thanks!

Add journal entry to ANY book, not just currently reading

I would like to be able to leave a reading journal entry or note for any book, not just the books that I am currently reading. Ideally this would extend ALL books, even books that are never added to my To Read or other lists.

This would help with tracking who recommended a book or things about the book I’d like to remember for when I begin reading.

Show read date on review

I would like to see when my friend read the book .. seems on the review page would be the easiest, but??

Set no goal for the year

I don't want to set a reading goal for the new year. Last year I did not set one, but I kept having the Set a reading goal button on my stats page which was annoying. This year I did set a goal. Wanted to do 0 but couldn't, so did 1. Hilarious for the percentages but not something I actually want. Could this maybe be changed for the new year?

Link to 'Tagged books' and 'All tags' from a single tag page

When I'm on my 'Tagged books' page, there's a link at the top to my 'All tags' page, and vice versa. I'd like both of those links ('Tagged books' and 'All tags') to also appear when I'm on the page for a single tag. Often I'll be browsing a tag list and want to filter further by tags, but the only way to do that is on the 'Tagged books' page. It would be helpful to have the link there, instead of having to navigate to my profile, then 'All tags', then 'Tagged books'. The links would also be helpful for when I'm doing a bunch of tag organizing/editing.

Exclude lower rated books and dnfs from recommendations

I see that I always get recs from books that I've read even if I hated them including the AI recommendations. I feel like this defeats the purpose of a recommendation tbh.

Audiobook filter in recommendations

It would be really lovely as a primarily audiobook listener to have a filler in the recommendations for books that have an audiobook version. There have been quite a few times I have found a perfect fit through the recommendations, but couldn’t enjoy it because i didn’t know there wasn’t an audiobook version and I’m very dyslexic.

Option to start Calendar Monthly Graphic on Sunday

Apologies if this has already been suggested, but I would love if there was an option for the Calendar monthly wrap up graphic to start on Sunday. For the Americans, lol.
I just realized it started on Monday and that was why I was struggling a little with matching the books to the days I read them.

Add reason for rejecting a buddy read invite

I was just invited to join a buddy read and I’m not interested in the book, but I want to add a message to the creator explaining why! I’ve never rejected a buddy read before, so hopefully I’m not missing anything.

Why a books fits a challenge

I would love for there to be a space when adding a book to a challenge that states why the book fits the challenge.

I have looked up around the world challenges and have seen books added that are not set in that place, so maybe the author is from that place or maybe it’s a different reason it fits the challenge.

Include created, completed Reading Challenges in Community news Feed

I would love to see the community newsfeed include reading challenges that a user your completed, (including myself).

Also reading challenges that a user created.

Tags follow editions

Tags automatically switch to the edition that you’ve read (instead of showing “You’ve read another edition of this book” in the tag list).

Tag Updates

Apologies as this is a post mostly about the overall tag capability and several aspects relating to it. Hoping in future we can see:

  • ability to tag specific editions
    • I use tags to indicate where I procured the book (home collection, library, gift,, audible) as well as format (graphic audio, audiobook, magazine, physical, ebook). This is really only a problem when I do a reread. I might have read a physical copy i owned the first time, then took out the graphic audio version from the library next time.
  • ability to edit existing tags. ex. i mark books by author gender and want to change all my "woman" tags to "femme", and all my "man" tags to "masc".
  • ability to delete tag options, i misspelt something once and that tag lives forever in my list gumming up my drop down 😅
  • ability to have tag groups. I saw this one in another post, but the ability to have be able to have Canada as two separate tags, one for setting and one for author location.
  • mass editing. I think i've seen this one too, but I'd love to be able to apply the same tag to a large swath of books. ex books i own, or took from the library.
See friends' other friends

It would be great to see who your friends are following/are friends with so you can connect with other like readers.

RE: Delete tags from book when removing it

I’m posting this in response to this recently shipped change: Delete tags from book when removing it. Tags have been my favorite feature on TSG precisely because they are (or were) independent from other lists, i.e., adding/removing tags and adding/removing books are separate actions. I don’t have to add a book to tag it, so I don’t think removing a book should affect the tags (at least not automatically).

I’m a prolific tagger; I have nearly 500 tags and over 4k tagged books. I use my tagged books list like an extended TBR. I frequently add/remove books from my to-read pile as their availability or my interest changes. That’s how I keep my to-read pile more manageable. Sometimes when I remove a book I also want to remove all the tags, but the majority of the time I want to keep the tags. Each of my tagged books has around 10+ tags. Now with this change, I’ll have to manually add all those tags back after removing a book. Adding tags is more inconvenient than removing tags. Especially because when there are a lot of tags, I’ll have to screencap them or write them down before they’re deleted so I don’t forget any that need to be added back. So this change is going to have a significant negative impact on my use of TSG.

It seems the pain point here is having to take the extra step to manually delete each individual tag when removing a book. To address that, I have a couple of suggestions:

  1. Add a question to the ‘remove book’ pop up screen asking the user if they want to remove the book and tags or just the book, so the deletion of tags is optional rather than automatic.
  2. Add a ‘delete all’/🗑️ option to the tag edit box, which could be used regardless of whether the book is being removed. This would be my preference, so that adding/removing tags remains independent from adding/removing books.
Comprehensive Author # Read Books Chart

I don't know if this quite fits here or in the future Stats V5 but it would be cool to see your Most Read Authors chart going through all your authors? Like maybe you can click on it to see more authors?

I mostly ask cause I read like 10 graphic novels by these 2 guys and frankly I'm not that into them and I'm curious who's below them hahaha

Date Picker allow typing

For the date picker you can only select dates via picking from the calendar, it would be really great if you could type (sometimes faster if it's not the current month) and have it pick the date that way!

Book club readalongs menu tab

I would really love to see a 'readalong' tab in book clubs. Currently from a book club page you can only see what live and upcoming readalongs a club has from via a meeting, or at least I haven't found another route.
Ps... I love what you are building!

Character name search function

A way to search for books by character/protagonist name, similar to IMDB’s advanced search character field. Some reading challenges have prompts like “read a book where the protagonist shares your or a friend’s name” and it would make it easier to find books if we could search by character name. Google and other search engines give poor results, so I have to rely on asking other people on Discord if they know of any books.

Ability to make bingo boards for reading challenges

There are a lot of reading challenges that are in bingo format rather than a list of prompts you need to complete.

It would be so nice to have a challenge that would mark a challenge as complete when a bingo (straight across, down or diagonal) is completed + shows how many bingos you achieved by the end of the challenge if you still managed to continue.

Categorise and Track Authors

I would like a way to highlight different kinds of authors. To put is bluntly, I don't want to support authors I know I don't like writing or morality wise, so it would be nice to tag every book by them and the same for favorite authors. Could be like emojis next to the book title (start for favored, red dot for dislike)

Book Availability on Various Services

I know this is a dream item and may not be feasible but it would be so cool if Storygraph could automatically search and show me if a book is available on different services, particular for digital reading services.
For example is this book currently available on Audible Plus? Kindle Unlimited? Others?
Is this audiobook an audible exclusive or is it available on
Obviously you don’t want to push people towards any particular service or seller, and we all want to support independent booksellers as much as possible. I’m just looking for a way to automate the searching and tagging process I’m already doing to breakdown my TBR by where I can read each book.
Obviously if I could go one step further and link my Libraries or my Libby and Hoopla apps to Storygraph and have the app tell me if any of my libraries have the book available that would be even better but I understand that’s a completely different undertaking than just searching the publicly available and universal kindle unlimited database.

Ability to make different To-Read Piles

Be able to make different to-read piles. I like to have different lists for finished/unfinished series. It makes it easier to keep track before I start a new book