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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
Checkbox for read aloud

We read aloud a ton with our kids and it would be awesome to be able to have a box to tick off to mark a non-audiobook as (re)read aloud. We were just trying to estimate how many novels we’ve read with our 10 year old over the last 7 years and we don’t have a good way to keep track.

Omit Certain Mood Tags

It would be great to be able to omit certain tags from our profiles.

So many fictional books (especially now) have a romantic element to them. I understand the "romantacy" genre is all the rage, but that is significantly different than a romance novel. I am not looking for romance novels, but it is one of the main moods on my stats and my recommendations. I would like a way to omit that from my "algorithm" so that isn't weighted when I search for books/my StoryGraph recommendations.

exclude dnf rating (and data) from all time stats

I noticed this discrepancy in my all-time stats: at the top it says I read 108 books but on the rating graph it says there are 109, and I know for certain that that one extra review is a dnf (which shows up in the "no rating" bar in the ratings graph but doesn't in the "books read" list). Since there is a separate stats section dedicated to them, shouldn't the dnf rating be excluded from the books read one? I know the suggestion of choosing whether a dnf'd book counts towards your reading goal or not has been made already in the roadmap, but for the time being keeping only its rating with the others is confusing


Would love a feature that included a CAWPILE formula on the ratings page to help readers determine star ratings.
Writing Style

Custom stats page to default to this year rather than all time, like the standard stats page does
Easy link to current month stats

I most often go to the stats page to see my stats for the current month. This can't currently be done without using the dropdown box on the stats page (which can occasionally lead to errant selections, especially on a phone screen). It also means that I have to remember to change which month I select when we get to the start of a new month.

I would love an easier method to access current-month stats… some ideas I've had:

  1. a URL that redirects to the current month, or
  2. adding "Current Month" as an option in the dropdown, so the current-month option is always in the same place in the dropdown.

You may have other ideas for simplifying access to the current month's stats.

Move star ratings to below a book cover in wrap-up graphics

The star ratings on the wrap up graphics often cover titling or author. I would love to see the ratings presented in a bar either above or below the book cover so that all titles and author is visible.

TBR Info in Wrap-Up

At would be really nice to have a stat in the end of year (or monthly) wrap-up that says "you read X amount of books off of your TBR this year" and have it also give the average amount of time those books spent on your TBR.

Notes for Submit by ISBN

When I submit a book by ISBN, it usually takes days or even weeks to be processed. It would be helpful if we could tag these submissions with a little note for ourselves, because by the time I get the message saying it couldn't be imported that way, I've often forgotten which book I submitted.

Monthly calendar - One line per in progress book

I read a lot of books at the same time, and unless I'm absolutely fastidious about making sure that I read all of the books every day, I end up with books sharing lines on the calendar. I find this a lot harder to read and understand (particularly when the colors for the bars are quite similar, which tends to happen a lot on my calendars). I'd really prefer it if each book had its own row until it was completed, or at the very least, if different books maintained at least one space between them so that they don't butt up against each other in a way that makes it look confusingly continuous.

Reading Streak Milestones

Since the streak counts up by days, I think it would be cool if we could get a notification or maybe it shows next to the days when hit year milestones. Similar to “you have read every day for 1 year!” Or if it’s next to the fire symbol it could say “365 - 1 year”.

Missing Challenge on Bottom of Vertical Desktop

Hello! I love the new view on mobile (I have iOS for reference) and I noticed that my vertical screen at work has a similar layout on the bottom as mobile. I'm just curious why it's four of the same icons as on mobile but missing challenges?

overview of currend & upcoming club books

Members of our book club are wishing for an easier way to see all club readalongs/buddy reads, specifically the current and upcoming ones, regardless of whether they joined them or not.
For myself, I participate in several clubs and still keep a google sheet with the following information:

  • book being read
  • by which club
  • during which timeframe
    to plan my reading.
    Ideally, I would like to have this overview automatically created in the app.

On the "readalongs" page we can only see those we have joined, and no upcoming readalongs. Clicking through to the club meetings is quite a few clicks, and then we can only see one club's meetings.

What I envision is an overview of:

  • which club is reading what
  • which club will be reading what in the (near?) future
  • start & end dates/meeting times
  • which of these have I joined

This could be included in the readalongs and buddy reads tabs, or the book club tab could be changed, or it could be a new tab, calendar etc.

Sharable graphics for tags

I really love the monthly and early pictures of stats and book covers you get. and I would love to have that option also for book tags. then I could use those cover pictures as a sort of visualization of books i want to read, or books of a specific topic, or whatever i am tagging.

Automatic Number Challenges

I like the Number challenge type. I think it would be really cool if the number is counting something that StoryGraph tracks, it could automatically add books. For example, I have a challenge to read 30 Non-Fiction books this year. When I set up the challenge, it would be really cool if I had the option to associate the challenge with the Non-Fiction genre. Then when I read something of that genre, it would automatically add it. That way, I wouldn't have to go in and add each individual Non-Fiction book one by one. There could still be the option to add everything manually for number challenges that don't correspond with something StoryGraph doesn't track.

Show the prompt description when adding a book to a challenge

When you go to add a book to a challenge prompt from the book page, it only shows the name of the prompt. Often, people will write the prompt name in the name part and the actual prompt in the description. (For example, in the Get a Clue Readathon, based on the Clue boardgame, the prompt titles may be Dining Room or Ballroom, then the description will be the actual prompt.) I think it would be a good idea to include the first bit of the description in that page so you can easily know which prompt you're actually adding the book to.

Mark review as spoiler-free or not

I know spoiler text is an option in reviews, but I have almost never actually seen it be used. I think having a checkbox (or something similar) when you post a review that allows you to mark whether your review contains spoilers or not could be useful. Then if you're looking at reviews of a book you haven't read (e.g. to gauge whether or not you want to read it), you could filter to only see reviews without spoilers.

Challenges with start date but no end date

Would like the ability to make challenges have a start date so it doesn’t count books before a certain period but also isn’t tied to an end date

see challenge prompt a book has been assigned to

It would be really helpful if there was a way to see which prompt/s I've added a book to in a challenge. It's one thing to see that I've added it to X and Y challenge, but I hardly ever remember which prompt I've added it to - I usually "add it to a challenge" again and have to scroll down to see where it's assigned.

Sort currently reading

I’d love some sort options for currently reading, particularly “sort by progress” and “sort by add date”. That way I can properly prioritize what to read next. Or if the list could be moveable similar to “up next”

Make "Reading Lists"

Ablity to make a specific "to-reads" list (like if tracking books by one author, or books for a class, etc.) or tag books into a group to make a sub-group. (EX: I could tag 10 out of my 1200 TBR books into a mini-list.)

Tracking decimal places in percent read

When reading longer books it would be extremely useful if I could track my percentage read with a decimal place or two. I’m doing a buddy read on some large books (900+ pages) and each percent corresponds to over 9 pages in the physical copy (I am reading the ebook). It makes it difficult to match progress across both versions (print and digital). Being able to enter something like 5.2% instead of 5% would solve the problem.

Easier to review a book with just a star rating
Up Next

Would love to be able to review a book with just a star rating instead of viewing and scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the detailed review section.

Author ID when clicking on author

Adding the author ID would be helpful maybe on the author page when selecting them on a book.
When adding a new book, it is not clear which author to select so I wish we could distinguish properly, the ID we CAN see doesn't help distinguish between another

Cover Art Contribution

Add in a contributor category for cover art - this looks to be frequent in comics to have a separate "cover artist" than the normal illustrator