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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
Challenges with start date but no end date

Would like the ability to make challenges have a start date so it doesn’t count books before a certain period but also isn’t tied to an end date

see challenge prompt a book has been assigned to

It would be really helpful if there was a way to see which prompt/s I've added a book to in a challenge. It's one thing to see that I've added it to X and Y challenge, but I hardly ever remember which prompt I've added it to - I usually "add it to a challenge" again and have to scroll down to see where it's assigned.

Sort currently reading

I’d love some sort options for currently reading, particularly “sort by progress” and “sort by add date”. That way I can properly prioritize what to read next. Or if the list could be moveable similar to “up next”

Make "Reading Lists"

Ablity to make a specific "to-reads" list (like if tracking books by one author, or books for a class, etc.) or tag books into a group to make a sub-group. (EX: I could tag 10 out of my 1200 TBR books into a mini-list.)

Tracking decimal places in percent read

When reading longer books it would be extremely useful if I could track my percentage read with a decimal place or two. I’m doing a buddy read on some large books (900+ pages) and each percent corresponds to over 9 pages in the physical copy (I am reading the ebook). It makes it difficult to match progress across both versions (print and digital). Being able to enter something like 5.2% instead of 5% would solve the problem.

Easier to review a book with just a star rating
Up Next

Would love to be able to review a book with just a star rating instead of viewing and scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the detailed review section.

Author ID when clicking on author

Adding the author ID would be helpful maybe on the author page when selecting them on a book.
When adding a new book, it is not clear which author to select so I wish we could distinguish properly, the ID we CAN see doesn't help distinguish between another

Cover Art Contribution

Add in a contributor category for cover art - this looks to be frequent in comics to have a separate "cover artist" than the normal illustrator

Custom charts - alphabetize tags in setup view

I created two charts when the custom charts feature first launched for Author Nationality and Book Setting. These involved fairly long lists of tags, and when I first set up the charts, they were in alphabetical order.

In the years since, if I read a book that is set in a new country or by an author in a new country, I have to remember as soon as I add the tag to ALSO go and add that tag to the chart. Sometimes I don't have the time to do this when I'm doing other things.

This means that right now, I know that there are countries in my tag list that are not represented in the chart, but I have no easy way of finding out which ones because there is no way of reordering them.

I'd love the ability to at least be able to reorder them in the setup view to be alphabetical so I can compare my tag list with the tags that are already associated with the chart.

Option to remove audiobooks from time to read stats

I usually finish a book a week or less, but my audiobooks tend to take a month and it really throws off my stats

Move the tags bar chart to the bottom

The bar chart showing all your tags should be at the bottom, or better yet, we should be able to hide it.

On custom, we use tags to build our own graphs, so it's just a long list of out of context nonsense.

I like to see the graphs underneath (star ratings, authors, etc), and it is annoying to scroll past such a long list to get to it

Html colour codes on custom graphs

HEX/HTML colour codes on custom graphs so that it is easier to get the shades you're looking for and set nicer colour palettes

Add 'My Profile' as one of the main banners

It would be great to add my profile as one of the main banners on the app - for example between the 'stats' and 'explore' tabs. That way I wouldn't need to go digging for my current reads pile in the desktop version, and its a really good summary of how I'm currently using the app (for example my to read pile and tags)

Custom Charts - Include multiple tags for a segment

So I just decided to play around with some the Custom Reports and created one I’ve had in mind for awhile, which was a book source chart where I have tags showing I got it from the library, new purchase, used purchase, kindle purchase, free, gift etc.

It worked great and did exactly what I wanted. Then I had the idea of creating a chart that shows whether I paid for the book or didn’t. I thought I could just add all the free categories (library, gift, free) to one segment and then include the purchased categories in the second. Unfortunately, this wasn’t possible unless I went through and added another tag to all my books.

It would be great if I could either add multiple tags to a segment or maybe have the ability to create tag categories and add tags under that. Then I could create segments by tag categories.

Streak Freeze

I'd really like a streak freeze option like Duolingo has, so if you have a really busy day you can skip a days reading without losing your streak. Maybe it could be something you earn by reading so many pages in a time period? And you could customise it for your own personal habits? Thanks!

"Missing Pub Info" date but date listed in edition's stats?

When sorting my TBR by publication date, I noticed that a lot of books with undefined pub date info are listed at the top, when sorting Earliest First. However, when I click "Missing pub info," on one of those books, within the stats that drop down, there is more often than not an accurate publication date listed? I've included a screenshot here. Not sure if this is a bug or not. Thanks!

Averaging reading stats

Updating my books with my progress every day just isn't intuitive for me - I'd love if there was an option to still get a reading streak (or those cool calender graphics!) by just averaging pages over the number of days you've read the book.

Moods/Paces should change based on reviews

I've seen a lot of books where the moods or pace don't fit at all and don't reflect the reviews at all either. I don't know how moods or paces are selected but I feel they should reflect the reviews and also change based on them.

Keep moods and genres the same for editions

There are some books where the "main" edition has more genres and moods added but smaller editions don't have them. I wish those categories would stay the same for all editions.

Librarian stats

Hey! I think it would be really motivating to be able to see how many edits I've made so far. I feel like there is a gamification element in this which would make edits more fun. Maybe a yearly librarian challenge too, the way we have reading challenges? I can't see anything like that on the site currently. Thanks!

Up Next priority on To Read

It would be great if the Up Next selections were locked/prioritized In the "To Read Pile".

Have series name populate When you type series ID into the new edition form

Use series ID number in a series field when importing a new edition to make it easier to identify the correct series. For users like myself who know how to get the series ID, it would be great if once you’ve typed in the series ID the name of the series populate. right now you can type in the series name, which could be complicated when there are multiple series with the same and you have to cross check the series ID. It would be so much easier if we could just paste in the series ID and have quickly pop up in the list.

Streak without amount read

Can I track my reading with simply indicating I read a book that day? Instead of having to input how much I read.

Color-coded Quotes

I know we will have a quote feature coming, so I would like to add my two cents! I think being able to color code the quotes would be awesome cause then I would know why I'm highlighting that quote for

Allow audiobook users to use chapter # in buddy read comments

I started using Buddy Read, and noticed there's only 2 options for tracking your progress in the comments (time spent and percentage of book read so far). I'd like to be able to mark what chapter I’m referring to, as sometimes I am not as attentive to what time in the book I’m at (Audible doesn't make it easy when you're listening on 2x speed). I use multiple apps to listen to books (mostly Libby, Audible and Spotify), and they all track your book progress differently.