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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
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Feature requests or ideas from our Plus members
Pre-ordered indicator

For books that are yet to be released, it would be awesome to have the option to mark them as pre-ordered and have it flip to owned come the release date.

Popular This Week In My Country

I love the 'popular this week' section, but I'd love if we could see what's trending in our own countries (and others) as well as globally.

Make stats not always default to current year

It would be nice if the stats page remembered that I set it to "All time" when I come back to it, but even if that's too difficult I think it should by default be "All time", I think that's preferable to most people.

Up Next Suggestions - Include public buddy/readalong

Sorry if this has been thought of and posted about already but I couldn't find it! For those of us who are opted in to some of the more social features, I am wondering if it would be possible to add a up next suggestion which reccommends books based on those that have upcoming/currently running public buddy reads or readalongs? I know you can filter the buddy reads/read along lists, but having it imbeded into that up next feature would be really helpful for me and maybe for others.

Mood/Pace/Page Number etc Year over Year stats

I would love to be able to see the change in some of my stats year over year. I can compare two years which is great but like the books/page/minutes line graph when you select all time I want to see the ups and downs of like which years I got more into a certain mood or more books over 500 pages or more fiction or non-fiction over a longer period of time. I really enjoy seeing how my reading changes over a few years.

Partially Complete Streak Graphic

I love the little two-toned flame graphic for streaks. Every time it fills in, I think it would be fun to adjust the feature so that if you only read a portion of your streak goal (10 pages instead of 15), then only the inner, light orange part of the flame would color in. (Right now it just stays empty if you partially meet your streak.) When you meet your streak, it colors fully as usual. It would work as a nice visual reminder that you've started but still have a little way to go.

Notifications for when we get likes on our statuses

I would like notifications for when my friends like a book I'm reading, a review I posted, or a book I DNF'd

Stats by pub. date

I would love to be able to look at my stats page and see data for books based on publication date. Like, how many books I read this year were pub this year v last year v last 10 years v 100 years ago, etc.

DNF stat

It would be cool if in addition to "books with no rating" we had a section of books we DNF'd. I think there's a huge difference between books we read but didn't rate and books we didn't finish/got a chance to rate for that reason. I don't like how my stats look like I don't rate books because my DNFs take over.

The ability to see someone's reviews easily

Would absolutely love if we had a section on someone's account where we can easily see all their reviews. Like if I found someone's account from the reviews tab and loved what they said, how they formatted their post, etc, and wanted to go on their account to see if they had any reviews for other books I read; there's no easy way to find them. That is, of course, if we follow them and then go to each book one by one. It would be nice to see "All of ___ Reviews" or something.

Improve Reading Challenges view and navigation

I was looking at the immense amount of reading challenges I have currently joined and found myself thinking about how I'd make them even better, so I'll leave some suggestions here:

  • Compact view of the Reading Challenges page (I've joined so many that it's not easy to scroll through the page, it would be cool to have a more compact, list-like view)
  • Filter prompts within a challenge (I'd love the ability to filter "Non- complete prompts" of a challenge. This would be really useful for challenges with lots of books. Or maybe "filter owned books on this challenge")
  • Add to up next from the challenge page;
  • When creating a book specific challenge, have the ability to choose if it is a edition specific challenge or if it is ok to read any edition of the book to complete the prompt;
  • When browsing challenges to join, see without needing to enter the challenge page if it is a book specific challenge;

Thank you!

Hide Certain Stats

It would be good if you could hide certain stats.I don't need the most read authors or language stats, for instance. I know you have a drop down list, but it would be nice to look at all stats with those not wanted hidden.

"Your Friend owns an edition of this book"

To encourage sharing books with your friends, it would be cool to see a notice on a book's landing page that alerts Users if a Friend owns an edition of that book. This would look similar to the "You're currently reading another edition" alert. Furthermore, if Users click/tap on that notice, it would take them to a "Request to Borrow" page. This would of course work best with email or push notifications.

Games for creating an Up Next List

Hi StoryGraph-Team, my idea was that a lot of people enjoy playing games in order to create their weekly or monthly TBR. It would be nice if any of these ideas would make it into StoryGraph. For example one might want to spin a wheel to choose books from their owned unread books. These wheels can have prompts, colors (book cover must match) or even just the title of the book.
That would make choosing a TBR even more fun.

Let me know what you think about that. :)

Logging rereads is confusing for new users

Just wanted to pass along some feedback from a friend who is a newer user of the app! She couldn't figure out how to log a re-read other than setting beginning and ending dates after she was already finished, which meant that she was losing her streak since she couldn't track her progress.

My own experience with this is that I feel a little nervous any time I change the status of an edition I've already read, whether it's because a book has sat in "Currently Reading" for too long and I actually need to start over from the beginning, or because I've previously finished a book and want to read it again. I'm not sure why it feels like it will be a destructive action to change the status, even though I've done it multiple times, but it does! I'm overprotective of my journal entries haha, especially now that I've been using them to actually log quotes etc.

Customizing main navigation tabs

I would like to be able to choose what tabs I have at the top of the website, for example I would like to have Tags showing instead of giveaways.

Nadia Update (13th July 2024): Have edited your title slightly.

Default Sort Order for Owned Books

I'd love to be able to choose a sort order for my Owned Books list, and have the list remember that for the next time I go to the page, rather than always defaulting to Latest Added.

Turn off Didn't Win Giveaway notification

I would love a way to turn off the "You didn't win the giveaway" notifications. I get excited when I see I have a notification but then it's just those and I don't need them.

Average rating by publication month stat

I'd love to have, or be able to create in the Plus options, a stat that can show me my average rating for books published "April 2024" or "all Junes" to discover if there's a publication month/season most successful in my reading.

Merge author in different languages

Hi! Currently some books in different languages have the author name in the edition language, which is ok. But when we check Most read authors chart, the author can be duplicated because of the language. Is it possible to treat author name in any language as the same person for this chart?
Example (not the best one) of the book that has the author in English and Russian:

Likes and dislikes to reviews

An option to like and dislike reviews, accompanied with the possibility to order reviews based on the number of like, or like to dislike ratio.

It's my understanding that you guys are trying to stay away from any feature that would turn the app into a type of social network, but liles/dislikes to reviews could push more thought out, thorough revies to the top, so users who are undecided on where or not they should read a book could find them more easily.

Make app tabs more easily navigable

Currently when you're switchgng between tabs in the app, the page you were previously on reloads so you can't go back to it; for example if I'm scrolling through my TBR from the homepage, or was on a book page from the recommendations list, if I switched over to the stats tab, there's no way to go back to where I was; clicking the Home tab just brings me back to the home page again instead of the page I was previously on in that tab. It's a bit counterintuitive, and makes it harder to do more than one thing at a time in the app

Buddy Read Entire Series

Would love to have one overall Buddy Read for a full series or tandem read that shows which book everyone is on and their progress on it. Comments could be attached to individual books or the full thing.

Filter by Author Identities

I’ve been trying to be more intentional in diversifying my reading. I would love if there were identity tags for authors so I could filter my TBR to only show books by women of color or LGBTQ authors, or neurodiverse authors.

Wrap up in horizontal/banner format

I'd like to use my wrap-up as a banner for a blog post (or social media cover image) and need to create it manually from the vertically generated one. It would be great to have an option to squareify or horizontalize the wrap up!