Ability to Thumbs Down (and Thumbs Up) Authors
jasonmarkJun 3, 2024
See (very rough) mockups attached.
There are authors who I don't like, but there's no easy way to see when I find a book that I read some of her books 10 years ago and didn't like them.
A simple 👍/👎 for every author would be awesome. I see many other people voted for "favorite authors"... but adding a "don't like" would also be super helpful.
You can also make this easier by providing stats about author on title detail pages (see other mockup).
Ultimately, if we had the thumbs up/thumbs down it would be great if search lowered the weight of authors that you give a thumbs down to.
I also love the mockups! The "you've read x books by this author" box is a great idea! I like the idea of having more stats directly on the book page that can help you judge whether or not you would like to read the book. Currently it's limited to moods and the other review questions, which I find only mildly helpful. Being able to quickly see whether I've read the author before would be a game changer.
Maybe clicking on the thumbs up/down opens a small emoji-reaction-type list containing the three options.
You could even combine this with the favorite authors concept and have a double thumbs up for favorites (similar to Netflix).
I really vibe with this idea. It also helps to notice the author (which is a bonus or a malus depending on the book) which I roo often forget to do.
I love the rough mockups! It would be a really fun way to get some additional stats and see recommendations as you're searching for your next read!