Access to notes/quotes/journal entries via book titles.
shes_tayOct 4, 2021
I always add quotes into my reading journal when I finish a book and I like to look back on them as I borrow a lot of books or delete them off my kindle. I also read about 8 books a month on average.
I would really like to be able to access my reading journal entry for a specific title via that book’s page. This would be SO much easier than scrolling back through my reading journal.
I think my question is related - I can't tell if Nadia meant this is something that is being worked on, but I just DNF'ed a book and now I can't find my journal entries for it, nor see my dates read. Please let me know if I'm missing something!
Right now, for a book you're currently reading you can get to the reading journal from the book's page directly. For a book you've read, there's a couple of clicks: "View/edit reading history" > "View journal entries". There's no easy way to access reading journals for DNF books. We'll make it so that you can access the reading journal entries for a book from the book's page any time!
I didn't realize that I could access it that way. Thank you so much!