The StoryGraph
Add error text for buddy read invite
Sep 28, 2022

As the initiator of a buddy read, when a user exists but hasn't changed the preference to allow buddy reads, it would be great if there was error text. When the suggested users list shows zero users, error text could be something like "user not found or user hasn't enabled buddy read search yet"

Eek, I know that error is really clumsy, but I think you get my point. In my current use case, I have coworkers who agreed to make StoryGraph accounts for the work erg book club. Given that this is the first time I've started a buddy read and the first time they've ever been on StoryGraph, it could be helpful to have some helpful text. Oh! Or I guess there could just be more helper test that says something similar

Sep 29, 2022

Thank you for this post!

First, we'll be adding the Community settings to be part of the onboarding process, so new sign-ups will get their preferences correctly set from the beginning.

Second, we need some way to differentiate between private users who don't want to be discovered (either on purpose or accidentally), users who actively don't want to be invited to buddy reads, and then users who just haven't updated their preferences yet.

We do have a notification that pops up when you invite certain people to buddy reads but you don't have the permission to (say they only allow "Friends and Following" or which you are neither), but I do think putting the preferences front and centre upon sign-up will help alleviate a lot of the confusion!