Add max limit on stat number for pages challenge
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lattermildNov 27, 2023
I have a pages goal of 30,000 this year and at the moment I am at 29,896 pages, but the overview shows 100 %. I realise this is a rounding-issue with such high numbers, but would it be possible to add an if actual < goal then show a maximum of 99 % check?
I'm actually seeing this problem on my reading goal: I've read 399/400, but it says 100%. For a moment I thought I was there! XD
One more book, one more book...
shanaqui Did you make it?? And yeah, guess I have to review it again!
Nadia I did, thank you! With a little time to spare as well... whew. :D
Oh no! I'd fixed this with the reading goal some years back, but perhaps not with the pages goal!