Add "partially read" option
emtk2118Nov 20, 2023
I love storygraph but I feel like its impacted my reading habits in that I feel like I HAVE to finish a book cover to cover. I'd love to have an option for partially read (as opposed to DNF) where it's a book that I've read excerpts from, say in a class where we read a chapter of it, and while I want to read the whole thing I want to recognize that I've read part of it (but did not abandon it like a DNF). I have added my own tag of this but I think it would be a cool feature.
I was pretty sure a similar post had already been submitted on the roadmap, but I can't find it! If I do, I'll merge it in!
Nadia Maybe its this one, has similar thought process: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/allow-dnf-duality
thisgayreads Hmmm. Thank you! But I don't think it's that one. Unless emtk2118 says it is!