Add to Up Next from anywhere
lmnettlesNov 5, 2021
Currently the only way I know how to add a book to up next is to go in from my the list. I’d like the ability to do it from any page where the book is pulled up. If I find a great book I immediately want to read next, it would be great to not to have to add it to ‘to read’ then go into that list to add to my up next list. Thanks!
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Just here to ping this as a thing I would love as well! I had a book that I own, that is already on my tbr, but then someone just recommended it to me and I went to add it to my TBR only to find that I already had it. I wanted to add it to "up next" so I wouldn't forget about it (it's on my kindle - so I can't just pull it off my shelf). And I so wish that little "plus" sign was right there in my search result.
cajengirl We're working on a redesign that will likely enable this feature. As you may have also seen, there's currently an 'x' in the top right for books on the search results page right now...just adding the '+' would be cluttered and confusing. We'll be moving things around to make the book pane more intuitive and powerful! :-D
Nadia I don't know what "x" you are referring to? I only see the X up in the search bar. I was thinking of it being on the book panel (green circle area) - or even on the individual book page. Anyway... I think you get the idea :)
cajengirl Yes, we're talking about the same spot. I meant the 'x' that appears on the Browse and Recommendations pages to hide books you don't want to see anymore. Those in fact don't show up on the search page (my bad!), but they (and also the '+'/'-' on Reading Challenge Prompt pages in that top right corner) are the reason we can't just reveal the Up Next '+' without a redesign. And we've also got to keep the mobile design in mind, where the share icon shows up! But we're working on it. :-D
Yes. I've just discovered you can't do this! I've searched for a book, obtained the results, and I can't add it to my up next list from there. Very inconvenient! I'd rate this as an urgent update that needs to be made. One of the most fundamental things one needs to be able to do!
It's particularly irksome not to be able to add a book to UpNext from its general search result entry.