The StoryGraph
allow DNF duality
Mar 24, 2021

allow a book to be both DNF (for pages to count?) and read (if finished at a later time, or to be DNF and to-read (a book to come back to).

Mar 31, 2021

I think I know what I did wrong! I will try this again, I think I just chose an edition that didn't have page numbers! Thank you!
ETA: yes, so I got it to work! I am unable to see my DNF review because I have set the book to to-read. I also tried adding it as a current read, using the date started in 2005, added the same progress I'd marked for the DNF, remarked it as DNF, and it reverted to its original DNF review. Re-marked it as to-read and once again I can't see the DNF review, but the pages work! Haha! Thank you.

Mar 26, 2021

Sure. So to take an example from my log: back in 2005 I started Little Woman but didn't get past page 68. I'd still like to read it however, but when I added the DNF page number and saved it, and then changed it to "to-read" the information/review of the incomplete reading from 2005 disappeared. I then changed it to "read" and could not find the pages in my 2005 stats nor was the date I stopped reading it visible when I clicked "view/edit dates."

What I envision is a way to allo a book to be both "partially read" and "to-be read" or "partially read" and "read." Or even multiple attempts of a book being read.

This might be too difficult with not enough pay off, its just something I was thinking about since I have a few books like this.

Mar 25, 2021

Hello! Can you explain exactly what you'd like to see? Because as you toggle a book between different states right now, this should all work and add up as expected. Let me know! :-)