I'm trying to make a challenge for myself that has all of the Hugo winners and nominees for Best Novel. It's going to be a lot of books! I thought that a neat way to organize it was to use the "Prompt #" as the year so that all of the books for a given year get grouped together, rather than me having to sequentially keep a list of numbers up to date, and having it be immediately clear in the challenge list which year a book goes with. Unfortunately I just discovered that I can't set a prompt # higher than 2000, even though I definitely won't have that many total prompts in the challenge, so it's back to the drawing board. I'd love to see, as the UX around challenges is considered, different ways to organize the books in challenges to make them ergonomic. Blue sky, what I'd love for something like this, is a way to have dropdowns for the years, with all of the relevant books nested underneath, but in the short term, I wish that the "Prompt #" field was not limited to 2000, but that the actual number of prompts in the challenge was so limited.