Way to archive/dismiss buttons to create StoryGraph reading goals
serotiny11Jan 3, 2023
I don’t intend to do the StoryGraph 2023 challenges, but there’s no button to archive them. I’d like to go to my reading challenges page and just see the ones I am participating in without having to scroll past the ones I’m not doing first! Ty :)
Which ones are you talking about being in the way? Do you mean seeing the links to set reading and pages goals?
Nadia yes those are the ones! There’s a big block of I think three of them, then another block with the January Pages challenge, and it doesn’t look like I can remove those.
serotiny11 At some point I will make those dismissible for sure! The Jan Pages one will disappear at the end of the month in any case. I can't prioritise this right now so sorry for the extra scrolling!
Nadia I understand, thanks for responding!
serotiny11 Thank you so much for your patience!