Book wishlist
colwellcatDec 19, 2021
It'd be great to be able to identify the books, publicly, that I don't own - and would like to.
Some would be books I have already read, but don't yet own, others would be ones I've not read, but know they're ones I want to own. I've trained my family over the years ;) to look at my TBR and see what's tagged as owned or not, but it'd be nice to be able to differentiate the books I'd actively like to receive/purchase.
Hello! Right now, people can't see your own tags on your TBR, but what you can do is create a 'wishlist' tag, which you then make 'Public'. Then you can share the link with family and friends who don't have a StoryGraph account. We do want to have a proper wish list feature though, because then people trying to buy you gifts can reserve the ones they've bought so that you don't get duplicates, and more!
Sounds great!!!