Bookly stats
b_morganbooksJan 18, 2025
I would absolutely love it if you could add some stats like they have on bookly. You can track your reading sessions and it calculates how many pages you’re reading per hour, how long it’ll take you to finish the book, how much you would need to read per day to finish on your desired date, etc. If this was added, I wouldn’t need to use any other reading apps!
Hello! Instead of a post like this, it'd be more helpful to have an individual post for each stat you want. I'm pretty sure a lot, if not all, of the ones you want exist already. Search for them and then add your vote. Eg: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/reading-timer. If you can't find a stat, you can add it and I'll consolidate if I find duplicates.
Yes, I also would really like to add in how long it takes me to read a book. The tags are not really working for me. I would like to see if I read certain genres faster than others.
I came to request the same. I "track progress" a LOT especially in buddy reads and challenges. A reading pace metric would be 🔥
thatdamntiffy I also finish books same day sometimes or over night which skews the avgs days to read a book. Starting a book at 5PM and finishing at 1AM shows 2 days. When it was really only hours. It's not a bug, just how the metric is calculated at this time. Adding in time to the "track progress" date stamp would be cool.
If this gets added, please make it very optional :) This is the polar opposite of what I personally want in my reading tracker and I'd find it stressful if it became a front-and-center feature.
If SG incorporated live reading session logging, I might have to quit Bookly.
please please please! i’m number obsessed and having it all in one app would be the absolute dream!