Buddy read comments automatically unlock when you add a comment that's past the locked ones

My friend and I are LOVING the buddy reads. (Basically we have been doing every buddy on SG and not just messaging each other. It's glorious 😂)

Anyway, the one "complaint" we have is that when we are posting our comments, even if we have a comment that is further along in the book percentage-wise, the comment before is still "locked." I know it's because we haven't updated our page progress on the book itself, but it would be really helpful and easier to navigate if it was able to unlock once we commented past that page/percentage.

Sorry if this has been addressed. I couldn't find anyone specifically saying it this way, but may have missed it. Thanks!! 🩷

Mar 31, 2024

Hello! I took the liberty to update the title.

Are you saying that just the comment would be unlocked but we wouldn't update your progress? Because the latter is definitely something I don't want to do. People like to do progress updates in their own way!

One thing we will eventually have is a way to update your progress from the BR page, which might help solve your pain point.

Mar 31, 2024

Nadia Yeah, I don't necessarily mean it updating the progress in the journal itself. If the comments before would unlock without having to go back to the book itself and update progress, that would be AWESOME. We often go in and add our comments as we are reading, but then have to pause and go back to update our progress so we can see previous comments.

I think a way to update progress from the BR page itself would definitely solve the issue too. 😊

Mar 31, 2024

jessisreadin Yeah, I figured that's what you were saying but I'm not sure about having two ways to track the state of whether a comment is unlocked or not: one being where you've marked in the book and the second being how far you've commented! Thank you for your suggestion in any case. I'll keep it in mind!