Buddy Reads
Sep 22, 2021
Based on user feedback, instead of groups we're going to start with everyone being able to run buddy/group reads, and then longer-running book clubs will be a Plus feature.
For buddy reads — where you read a book alongside at least one other person and then discuss it/or discuss it as you go — what would you like to see? How would one get kicked off? What's the discussion format like? How do invitations to join one work?
Share any ideas below!
I talked with someone today that said the fable app made it so that you could read chapter by chapter together. You could only read the comments your buddy made on the chapter after you'd written your comment (to avoid spoilers). THIS SOUNDS AMAZING
fell4 You can recreate the effect with a readalong and locked forums! https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/changelog/readalongs-
I'd love to be able to share quotes from the book and discuss them with others in the buddy read, and to have a ❤️ option to react to quotes others share.
It would be great to see new buddy reads people I follow have started/joined in a dedicated section of my community tab (assuming there is a BR privacy setting that allows for community-open BRs).
This might be a nightmare in practice given all the different editions, but in a perfect world, I'd expect there to be spoiler filtering that goes something like this: when you post an update, TSG offers you the chance to mark it spoiler-free or to mark how far % into the book you are. Others in the buddy read can toggle [display all comments] [display spoiler-free comments] based on their read %.
It would be great if there was a way to categorize/tag different comments or discussions. That way if you want to continue a convo/thread you can add it to that section (for example: plot, writing style, characters) to easily search and streamline the conversations.
Thanks, @xtina. Is this separate to discussions based around where in the book you are, or within those discussions?
I’m not sure to be honest since I’ve never used a buddy read with the “where in the book” format before. Idk if this is really feasible but maybe when you comment on a where in the book post you can add tags or hashtags. When selects they could pull together all post with those tags?
the buddy reads i have taken part in mostly were on discord. we generally divide the books into chunks and then basically have seperate channels for each chunk. people discuss these chunks in these channels and are able to mute the chunks they have not gotten to yet.
Love this! Thank you! :-)