Custom charts - compare tag vs no tag
denaAug 21, 2024
Would it be possible, in a custom chart, to be able to track a certain tag vs no tag? For example, books with the an LGBTQIA tag vs books that don't have the LGBTQIA tag? That way we could see how many books with the tag we read vs without.
Related to this, I'd love to see my average rating across tags vs no tags? Like are the books I'm reading that are recommended by friends as highly rated as the books I choose for myself? Or like the genre breakdown between tagged vs not tagged.
But also would love to have more of the standard stats faceting in custom charts like Top read authors under a tag, or pages read under a tag, moods under a tag (this is probably the wrong place for this comment lol)
Hmmm, a potential V2 addition!
Omg, I was just about to make this request too. I would create all the pie-charts all the time if this were included. Right now I've been doing this by having an opposite tag - like LGBTQIA and not-LGBTQIA; which is so tedious to remember to tag everything.
Also commenting to add that I hope that this would be possible with multiple tags - sort of like a 'none of the above' section. Which would help me find missing tags so much faster too.
weepy_iskwew YES! Because I want to isolate my percentages by year, so the opposite tags only work until the next year. I would love tags/no tags + year
weepy_iskwew Huge +1. I have been keeping track of "original language" so I can see not just how many translations I read but also the diversity of languages, and having to tag the majority of the books as "original-language-english" is arduous. Honestly though I would still need some kind of mechanism to indicate to myself "I have looked at this book, and it does not need X tag" to make sure I have everything tagged correctly 😅 so I may still need to utilize a tag like that for a lot of cases.