Default Pause Date to Last Progress Update Date
lynwhoJan 6, 2025
Want to start by saying I absolutely love the new Pause status feature!!
I have a small request/idea to default the Pause date to the last day that you updated the progress for a book. I say this because when I just set a bunch of books to Pause, I went into the journal entry and retroactively set them to the last day I read them.. I don't always know that I am "pausing" a book until days or weeks after I haven't picked it up again, and I would like for it to default to the last time I read it, and not the day I decide to mark it as Paused.
Shipped again with the enhancement I mentioned in my prior comment.
Okay, after some feedback, adapting the behaviour yet again: if you haven't done any progress entries since you last tracked, then pause date will default to current date (as the implication is that you don't track) and if you do do entires, then it'll default to last progress update.
Nadia Can you explain these two behavior options again? I think I’m a little confused on what to expect.
empathephant If you have done progress updates since you marked the book as 'currently reading', when you click to pause, the default pause date will be the date of your last progress update, it being more likely that that's when you last read the book if there's been no progress update since then. If you haven't done any progress updates since marking the book as 'currently reading', the likelihood is that you're not a daily tracker, so we will default the pause date to the date you hit 'pause'.
Yes, wasn't sure if I wanted to do this or not....but think it makes sense.
I’d like this too! Same behavior as marking a book as “did not finish”