Differentiate between zero-stars average rating and no ratings
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May 23, 2024
I recently posted the first and only review for a book. I didn't want to give a star rating so I intentionally left that field blank. On the review page, no rating is displayed, which is good. However, on the book page it says the average rating is 0.0⭐. So now it appears as if the book is poorly rated, rather than unrated, which is not what I intended when I chose not to leave a star rating.
Can the way the average rating is displayed be changed to better differentiate between an actual average rating of 0-stars vs no ratings?
I've just had this happen too for a book (https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/e5208da4-b027-48ca-953b-4894b2ad49f7) and definitely feel a bit guilty about it lol
ramalam98 Noted. Was meant to have fixed this already but a bunch of other things cropped up!
Can you please link me to the book? If you'd rather not send the link publicly, please email it to support@thestorygraph.com saying it's for me in relation to this roadmap post. Thank you.