DNF books in Reading Challenges
louisejuligAug 21, 2024
I made a "Read or Release" reading challenge this year to either read or let go of books I have owned more than five years. I can add books that I DNF to the challenge, but they don't show towards the number of the challenge. Don't know how many people would want this, but sometimes not reading a book and giving it away is an accomplishment! And I'd like to be able to count that toward the challenge.
What type of challenge did you create? If you create a "Book" one, then DNFs will count. Eventually "Prompt" ones will have a configuration option to include DNFs.
Nadia I guess I created a prompt one. I didn't know there was more than one kind at the time. But now that I look at "book" challenges, I realize that's not what I wanted for this. It's not that I wanted to read or release specific books, I wanted to choose from books I have owned for awhile throughout the year to read or let go of.
louisejulig Okay, so is it a "Number" challenge then? Do you have a set goal, or do you just keep adding prompts as you pick up books that fit the challenge?
Nadia My goal was to read or release at least 8 books in the year that I had owned for 5 years or more. If it helps, here is the link to the challenge: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/fa0d87ab-8b4e-405f-8682-eae4658da8c1
louisejulig Oh, so it could have been a "Number" challenge, where you set the number "8" only, and then see how far you got! DNFs still wouldn't have counted for that though, but that would have been intentional here, because for number challenges, we think the in most cases you do actually want to complete that number of books, but we will still likely add a configuration option in the future.
Nadia I'd love this feature too! Maybe as a toggle? I participate in a lot of 'read your own tbr' challenges with fun prompts and dnf's absolutely count! It makes me sad that it says I haven't made progress on the challenge even when I've tried a book.
breezer It will be a toggle! See my first comment in this thread. :-D
Nadia I came searching to see if anybody had requested this already - I would love to have this added as an option for Number challenges as well, as I have a personal challenge set up that is similar to that of the original poster. Of all the options, setting it up as a Number challenge made the most sense for what I'm trying to do, but it would work better if I could also opt to count DNFs, as my goal is to clear a certain number of books from my TBR rather than to read a certain number of books.
leslielikesthings Got it! Thank you for the feedback! :-D