The StoryGraph
Expanding Language Options (Language team???)
Aug 19, 2021

Hi Nadia,
Love The Storygraph. I was mentioning it on a forum, and someone complained that it was only for English speakers.

I'm wondering if there is some way to make this more accessible to the rest of the world? A language option, perhaps?

You've mentioned in other posts you and your team only speak English, but perhaps people are willing to volunteer (Similar to your librarian volunteer system - I think that's what you called it) and help translate parts?

This might be a considerable undertaking, so I'm just tossing it out there as a thought. It'd be great to welcome others into the system regardless of language. ;-)

Aug 19, 2021

Having volunteers to help translate is certainly an interesting idea! There's still more work that goes into making the product easy to localise and setting up the infrastructure for users to toggle between languages. The product is still in such flux right now, that managing a team of translators would be difficult. It's definitely something we hope to offer in the future, but not right now. We will be making it clearer that you can set the languages you read in, though, and will also add better language filtering/search tools.