Filter TBR/Owned/Read by Format
lindseyinthelibraryOct 19, 2021
I.e. Paperback/Hardback, Audio, Ebook.
I currently use tags to do this.
Merged posts
Choose "format" on TBR Filter by "format" on "To-Read Pile" Filter OwnedFilter To-Read Pile by FormatFilter TBR by editionAbility to sort/filter by edition formatFilter owned books by formatFilter by formatFilter To Read By EditionFilter "To-Read Pile" by FormatSort Owned Books By Format Sort owned booksFilter by EditionFilter (my; following) read books by formatOwned books by format Filter/Sort To-Read Pile by Book EditionFilter by format
Nadia Yay!! Using this feature immediately!
I would love to be able to filter by series and then by books I own OR don’t own in the series.
100% yes. I've started reading more ebooks but I still like to buy a physical copy of some of my favorites. Having a way to categorize all my owned books my format would be beyond helpful.
I came here just to reinforce I'd love this feature. As a mood reader, I organize my physical unread books on a separate bookshelf so it's easy to go there and pick what I feel like reading next. To replicate this, I'd love a easy way to filter and look at all my unread owned e-books on a single place and the ability to filter owned books by format would do that.
Would really love this for the "Read" list as well, not just TBR/Owned. The workaround mentioned in an earlier comment has no way of sorting the books 😭 so if you're trying to create a tag of books of a certain format in the order in which you read them, you have to scroll through your entire list, examining each book to make sure you're picking the right formats.
this!!! i get so many free ebooks but i don’t really want to see them with my physical library. but it would be nice to keep track of them outside of kobo
This would be so handy - when importing from THAT OTHER APP, a quarter of my books came in as audiobooks. Would make it a lot easier to track them down and fix them if I could filter by format :)
kodermike Hmmm, if they had ISBNs that shouldn't have happened! But sorry about that and yes, this would make it a lot easier!
Nadia nah, that’s all goodreads and their export at blame. While my use case may not be widespread, being able to filter directly on format would still be useful.
kodermike We're definitely going to have this feature!
This will definitely be implemented at some point!
This would be so useful! I'm trying to work on my digital TBR, would love this filter!
There is a roundabout way that you can do this. If you go to your stats and change it to show "all time" on the right hand side it adds another pie graph of format just for TBR. It's not optimal but it work around if/until this gets implemented
majestyk oo thanks! I don't often need this feature (mostly when I finish my ebook when I'm out - so I have to pick a new ebook) so good to know there's a workaround!