Adding a "deadline" to Up Next books
afterelizaJan 12, 2024
Hello! If it's possible to add a 'deadline' date or 'to be read by' date for Up Next books, that would be amazing and would help me use Storygraph more often! Thanks!
Merged posts
Hello — is this a request for both an increase to the limit and and deadline?
Nadia Yes, if possible that would be amazing ❤️ if it’s possible to set a deadline to read a book by. I think Readalongs have something similar but some of the books I read are ARCs that I need to read and review by their publication date.
aftereliza Okay, can you please add your vote to this post - https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/up-next-5- - and I'll edit this one to focus on a 'deadline' feature, which I'm not sure if it fits within the Up Next concept, but maybe it does. It certainly fits within upcoming library features we have and we do want to get better at helping readers to plan their reading with StoryGraph.