Move 'completed' prompts to bottom of list - challenges
crweber25Apr 3, 2023
It would be great if the prompt list on challenges was sortable or if the completed promps would automatically drop to the bottom of the list.
It would be great if the prompt list on challenges was sortable or if the completed promps would automatically drop to the bottom of the list.
I do think a filter/toggle would be better.
Does anyone who's voted on this post have any objections to that? If not, I'll likely merge this post into this one: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/requests-ideas/posts/toggle-hiding-completed-prompts-in-reading-challenge
Nadia I think that sounds great!
Nadia that would be just as awesome! Thank you for responding ❤️
I personally wouldn't want this to happen automatically because there are some challenges (e.g. my book club's running list of books we've read) that I want to keep in order. But I just made a request today myself to be able to toggle the view to prioritize incomplete prompts because I definitely agree, having a way to separate what is finished and what isn't would be so great!
Or a toggle option to show just completed or uncompleted prompts. This would be so helpful for challenges with lots of prompts.