No recs from specific authors
blkunicornFeb 21, 2023
In the same vain of genres we don't like / never want to read it would also be nice to have authors we don't like. That way people can not get recommendations by authors whose writing they don't like or if they don't like an author because they find them problematic etc...
It would also be nice to be able to see if we've "X" and author on search/challenge pages (some indication beside the authors name would be great).
There are some authors with similar names that I know I don't want to read one of, but it becomes a whole thing to figure out if the book I'm seeing is related to the author I'd rather not engage with.
On the Recommendations or Browse All Books page, you can hit the 'x' icon by the author name to stop recs from that author.
Eventually we'll have a way for you to proactively add to this list, but there is already a way to do this in the product!
Nadia Is there a way to manage this list or at least see what's been added to it from the user profile? Otherwise it might be difficult to remember what's previously been dismissed or not.
xvicesx Not yet! It's been something I've wanted to do since day one but it's just not been a priority. This will eventually exist though.
Nadia I would also love a way to "add an explanation," similar to when you DNF a book. There are so many authors doing shady stuff right now that it's hard to keep straight. But I'd like to be able to keep up with the particular reason of why I'm avoiding them.
murve Okay! Maybe there'll be a way to add a note to an author, similar to adding a note to a book. We'll see!