Offline mode on mobile app
junefishSep 9, 2021
Currently, if you're not connected to a network, the app just loads endlessly. I would love to be able to use it in a limited way offline - for example, view my Currently Reading list, or perhaps even To-Read and Read as well.
i'd also appreciate this feature not only for updating progress on books while offline but also for adding notes to the reading journal! that way i wouldn't have to remember all the separate page numbers or make notes in a separate app to copy over later.
Really was wishing for this on a six hour flight, since I finished two books and made progress on two more 😄 I'm so in the habit now of tracking progress every time I put a book down that I was like "but what if I forget to track when I get to the airport?!"
Hehe. I had similar on an 11-hour flight recently!
This is something that we definitely plan to do!
The app shouldn't be loading endlessly though. You should be served the attached page. Sorry that you're not seeing that!
I see that screen on desktop when offline! Just not in the android app.