Option to discount selected reads from AI Personalization feature
ayla_josephMay 17, 2024
The personalised preview option, generated by AI, I find has often likened certain books to previous reads that I did not necessarily enjoy, or read too long ago to be relevant.
This may be partially my fault for rarely reviewing books, or having tried to log almost every book I've read in my life, however I feel like this would be easily overcome by adding an option to not include certain books in the data the AI uses to generated those recommendation paragraphs.
Nothing is your fault! Thank you for the feedback!
Completely agree! I logged books that I have read for high school, but now whenever I use the AI feature, I am only seeing the same books brought up. Like anyone else who has attended to an American high school English class, I read Romeo & Juliet, The Odyssey, and To Kill A Mocking Bird. I have no hate to these books at all, but I am not a complete fan of seeing those books often—typically exclusively—brought up in the AI personalized preview