This post has been written about in our changelog:
Pages Read Per Month even when a Book isn't finished
Mar 6, 2021
I know you've added the yearly pages goal but I wanted to suggest a pages read per month graph. And to fill in some other stats during a month. Ideally, as you read and update your progress (% or Page#) it audio updates the pages you've read.
For example, this past month (February) I've been reading three books, but I got hit by a bunch of work. So I didn't finish any of them. I'll finish this March, but now my graphs for book achievement flatlines. So although I've read almost a thousand pages, I see a flat line and subconsciously am discouraged. I use your tool to find books and inspire me to read and it'd be great if I could glance at the pages, moods, etc. of what I'm reading, especially when I flatline for a month because of work ;-)
Now when you make progress updates, we increment how many pages you've read since your last progress update and add it to your page count for that day/month!
this would also help with the pages goal if say in december I don't manage to finish the book but I did read enough pages to complete my pages goal which currently would then count for the next january.