Randomize TBR Pile sort
forestthievesMay 4, 2021
Adding 'Random' option for sorting the TBR pile page, that way I'm not seeing the same books at the top of the pile every time since my tbr is very full and there's ones that get caught in the middle with the newest/oldest/name etc options. Randomize also offers a fun way to choose the next read.
I've been thinking about this too. It would also be cool to have a filter option for "Next in Series" for series that you've started, but may have fallen to the wayside a bit. Or a filter options for "New to Me" authors, "Authors I've Loved," etc
Would love this filter option for Tag lists.
I would LOVE a random option in the TBR sort. The home page does randomize, but you aren't able to use filters first. So once I filter down by mood or tag, etc, a random sort so it's not always the same titles would be so cool
amber_brookins Thank you for this suggestion. On the topic of randomisation, on top of the homepage randomisation, do you ever use the Random Pick in your Up Next Suggestions?
Nadia I have! I like that feature quite a lot and discovered it through the Onboarding Reading Challenge. A lot of times I'm filtering my TBR to fit a reading challenge prompt and so I'm narrowing down my list in similar ways multiple times. Then I'm just using various Sort features so I don't see the same titles at the top all the time. It may be a niche behavior!
amber_brookins Oh yay! Good to know that you discovered it via the reading challenge. I suspect the behaviour isn't that niche at all. Thank you for the feedback!
The tbr on home page is randomized, about ten random books from your tbr. It’s a very good mixup, I have a large pile too and I see books that I even forgot are on my list. Hope that helps!