Ratings by genre?
Mar 25, 2021
I'm not sure if this is already possible, or technically feasible, but I was wondering if it is possible to get a breakdown of ratings by genre? Especially, fiction vs nonfiction. Clicking on the "nonfiction" wedge in my "all-time " stats and eyeballing the list does seem to confirm my hunch that I tend to rate NF higher, but having stats generated for data like these would be awesome, if doable.
Shipped as part of the Stats V3 updates: https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/features/posts/stats-v3.
You can find the link to ratings by book type/genres at the bottom of your star ratings chart on any specific (e.g. all-time, 2020, March 2021) stats page.
Great idea, Robin! Could be a nice bonus for Plus users. :-)