This post has been merged into Series Tracker
Series tracker
amzyrebeccaDec 30, 2021
I would a way to keep track of the all series’s I own, e.g what books I still need to buy next in a series, how many series I own ect.
I would a way to keep track of the all series’s I own, e.g what books I still need to buy next in a series, how many series I own ect.
I would love a section on the main page that showed series I am currently reading. Eg. ***** Series - 3/5 books read.
Plus an option to DNF series if we don't plan to finish them, and a pause option so they don't show until we start them again.
Would love an overview of all the series I've read and started, and maybe also mark a series as DNF even when you didn't DNF in the middle of a book
I’d love a filter that is for book in a series in addition to the filter for books not in a series so that I could see what series I read and check for new books. I think the recommendations only work if you added the following books to to read. It would be nice to see ones I didn’t know were published.
Also maybe a part of the recommendation section could be an “up next” in series you have rated books highly.
jessifanfic This exists in Up Next Suggestions! :-D
Yes please, more support for series tracking in all the ways
Better series support would be lovely.
Related to this, being able to filter my To-Read-Pile by "Books that are part of a series" or even better "Books that are next in a series" would also be a great help.