Sharing year wrap up to instagram
evangelinereadingJan 1, 2023
I love seeing my yearly wrap up on StoryGraph, but would love for it to have a share function direct to instagram stories, not just a link in private message.
I love seeing my yearly wrap up on StoryGraph, but would love for it to have a share function direct to instagram stories, not just a link in private message.
We won't be having "Direct to IG Stories" this year, because it involves setting up with Facebook's API, and cutting a new version of each app, and there's no time for that (so next year!) but we will have a lovely graphic summary for IG stories and tweets and other social media, and the ability to export an image of your StoryGraph Mood Map and cover collage!
Again, more options next year!
This is something that we've wanted to offer — a range of better share options, particularly of certain graphics/charts — since we launched the feature last year for the 2021 edition, but we've just not been able to prioritise it yet!
Would generally love to be able to export the various graphs and book cover collages
belovedsnail I feel the exact same, I want to share my progress and shout about amazing books! At the moment I've made my own collages, but they're super time consuming, fingers crossed this feature will come soon