Show read dates on ‘read books’ page
hannahandabookMar 16, 2021
When I click to see all my books read recently it would be great to show the reading dates on that page. Right now I have to click into the book and then click again to see both the start and finish date. Or if this isn’t possible to be able to see the full reading date history on the main book page and not have to click into the reading history.
Merged posts
Shipped as part of the recent redesign!
This would definitely be helpful for me too
Thanks for this! We are aware that the reading pane you see when it's in a list could easily become cluttered if we try and cluster too much info in there. But we'll see :-)
I agree it’s a bit cluttered, one thing I’ll throw out there is that I’m not sure as a user that I need all of that info on that particular page for these books. Considering I’ve read those books (granted yes maybe I’ll forget some information) I’ll probably have a general sense of the categorization of them, but I wouldn’t remember details like the specific dates I read them.