Sort Books in Challenges
marlovveFeb 7, 2024
This may have been requested, but I can't see a post matching this so I thought I'd make one myself. Following the recent addition of book prompts in challenges, instead of manually listing and adding books, it would be great if we could sort them in editing, such as by author name, title name, pages, pub. date etc. like you can for your to-read pile and when you add new books, you can easily sort them to follow the rest of the order of the books.
Do you mean being able to sort the books on the challenge page once they've been added by the host?
Nadia I was thinking more when the host is creating the challenge, so it's already in order when viewed by the host or anyone else who's joined the challenge, but sorting after the fact works too!
marlovve To confirm: allow a host to add all the books, but then later easily change the order those books are displayed. So say you sort by authors alphabetically, then if you even later come to add a book with an author whose name starts with "G", you can re-sort and it'll display in the correct place? But also, just means you can add books in whatever you want, knowing you're going to apply an author or title or pub date sort after the fact, but you don't need to do the work to worry about it?
Nadia Yes, exactly!