Stats by pub. date
rachbreadsJul 16, 2024
I would love to be able to look at my stats page and see data for books based on publication date. Like, how many books I read this year were pub this year v last year v last 10 years v 100 years ago, etc.
I would love to see more stats based on publication date, not just the all-time chart of publication date vs. read date (which is not very useful). For example, why not enable data for any time period, showing the number of books read from a particular date, or at least century or decade?
lory_enterenchanted Sure, there'll be more stats on this!
Was coming to request something that I think is the same asked for here or at least similar, essentially it would be a heat map with each year color coded based on how many books you've finished that were originally published in that year. This is available on a site called BookSirens I use and I LOVE it, but the data it pulls from GR is not always correct so would be cool to have a native one.
Parameters: darker color = more books read, white or other basic color to indicate no books read for that year, judges based on year book was ORIGINALLY published rather than the edition read, excludes re-reads to only have it reflect amount of unique books
check the "most decades read" chart for an example
alternatively just including the publication date info for edition & original publication in the CSV export would be super helpful to create this on my own and probably a much easier change to start with
Have you seen the publication year vs. read year chart at the bottom of the All-time stats page?
Nadia I hadn’t! That’s pretty close to what I was looking for, I think I was hoping for really specific data that I could look at for one year at a time, but this gets the gist
rachbreads Okay, we may have this chart on a yearly basis but first I need to improve the plotting and UX of the current one!
Nadia Thank you!!