The StoryGraph
Streak calculations should use mark as finished
Feb 4, 2024

I noticed that my Streak calculations didn't look correct. I see that some days I didn't update a % completed or pages read, buy I didn't mark a book as complete. If I only marked book as finished, it didn't count towards my Streak. Shouldn't mark as finished almost count as updating to 100% and continue the Streak? I tried to go back and update it, but I didn't see a way to add a journal entry once completed, only to edit what was already there.

Feb 5, 2024

"Marking as finished" does update your streak. If it doesn't, then it means the book doesn't have pages or a duration, or the final journal entry created didn't have enough pages/minutes to satisfy your streak.

I'm assuming you mean "mark as finished" via the progress bar or action mention, meaning the book is already marked as "currently reading". If you only mark a book as "read" without having first marked it as "currently reading", there'll be no read date on the book, so the pages added won't count towards your streak. You'd then have to add a read date.

If you are indeed using the "mark as finished" button, sounds like this is a one-off case/individual bug so please contact us via the app or email us at support@thestorygraph.com if you need help fixing the issue.