Tag Sorting (Read, To Read, Currently Reading)
grvhpprOct 12, 2021
I would love to see the 'Read' books automatically drop to the bottom of a tag. Currently, the 'Read' books are mixed in with the 'To Read' and 'Currently Reading' books making it hard to see which books are what. Dropping the 'Read' to the bottom and keeping the 'Currently Reading' at the top with all the 'To Read' in the middle of the Tag List would be a great kindness.
Additionally, having a color in the box where it says 'Currently Reading' 'Read' 'To Read' would be also be appreciated because it makes the list pop. At the moment, all three book statuses are white.
Similarly, I would love to be able to sort the tags by my rating! Friends ask me for specific recs, and I want to be able to find the tag pertaining to what I want to recommend them and easily find my favorite ones in the list.
Will the tag stats help in this case? Go to the star ratings bar chart for the tag and click on the different segments? So you can see what you've rated 5, 4.75, 4.5 stars, etc..?