Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down Option
rc_boxnutSep 30, 2024
I don't always have the time or executive functioning to review a book or even give it a star rating when I finish (since I tend to think hard about how many stars I think the book should have). I would love to have the option for a quick thumbs up/thumbs down for the book. This could be an additional rating system "on top of" the stars system, or a quick "review" that will get replaced by the real review if and when I get around to giving a star rating.
This was something I really liked when I briefly tried another app. It had three options for how you felt about a book—"Didn't Like It", "Liked It", and "Loved It"—and I agree that sometimes that's much easier to quickly gauge versus having to waffle about whether a book is 3, 3.5, or 4 stars, etc. I guess the main thing to figure out would be what this looks like in the UI because it could be confusing for some people why there's both stars and this system. Maybe one is a "rating" and the other is a "reaction"?