Toggle for Default Ascending or Descending for buddy read comments
dangelomreidJan 11, 2025
Add Buddy Read discussion points begin to increase it can take a while to get to the newest comments. There is a sort option but that takes several seconds to load and places you at the bottom of the page. Some users may prefer to see the newest comments by default
That hasn't been my experience. If I close the app and go back into the buddy read it resets to Ascending
Once you use that toggle, it remembers your last setting.
Nadia It doesn't always. With my main account, it remembers my setting. With the account we use to admin our book club, it resets the setting. I have checked with the other mods, and we've tested it with them not even logging into the account, it it still reset. I have also heard from others that it happens to them.
So far, I have tried but haven't found out what the difference is between my main account and the club account.
imaginary_space Private browsing is the only thing that should affect it as it's stored via browser cookies.