toggle read/dnf in stats page
usedtotheweatherMar 5, 2023
this is my first year tracking DNF with regularity, and I see those books get added to my stats, which is cool, but also I'd love to be able to see stats on only the books I actually finished. Could this be a toggle option?
Hello! They don't get added to your stats, only the pages read/minutes listened to do! They have separate stats that you can see from the DNF page and soon there'll be a "DNF" dropdown option on the stats dashboard page itself!
Nadia hm, something must be odd in mine. At least one book I marked DNF is appearing in mood, pace, and length charts and lists when I click on the related segment. I know this isn't the 'help' location! just posting these as an FYI! thanks for your incredible platform and personal attention to detail!
usedtotheweather Aww, thank you so much! If you click on "Babel" is there a "View/edit read history" button on the page (or behind the three-dot menu, if you're on mobile)? If you click on it, do you see a read instance? Looks like there'll be one for 2023 in there. Be careful not to remove it if there's only one there!